Our Services Oral Surgery
About_Ora_Surgery Oral surgery is a broad term for any operation performed on your teeth, gums, jaw or surrounding oral and facial structures. It includes a wide range of procedures, including teeth extractions, dental bone grafts, dental implants, periodontal (gum) grafts and corrective jaw surgery. Oral surgery is usually performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon or a periodontist. These are dental specialists who have advanced training in oral surgery procedures.

Why is Oral Surgery Performed?
You could need oral surgery for a number of reasons. The most common reasons include;
• Extensive tooth decay.
• Badly broken teeth.
• Advanced Gum disease.
• Impacted teeth.
• Missing teeth.
• Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD).
• Management of bone loss in your jaw.
• Oral cancer.
• Benign oral lesions (noncancerous lumps or bumps), oral cancers and other conditions.

Wisdom Teeth Removal
Wisdom teeth removal is the most common of all dental surgeries. Because the average mouth has no room to support the two extra teeth at the back, most people will need to remove their wisdom teeth. Recent advancements have made wisdom teeth removal more comfortable than ever before. Dr. Raed M. Abutteen Dental Center, we make use of our three dimensional imaging device to properly asses your case, the procedure is more gentle, and the recovery periods are the shortest they have ever been.

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Dental Implants
The human body does not produce replacement teeth. Although we are born with all the natural teeth we will have, in case you lose a tooth or a group of teeth, clinicians have found a way to replace missing teeth with lifelike artificial copies, known as implants. Once the procedure is complete, the dental implant fits durably into the empty space and functions just like a normal tooth.

Dental implants dramatically improve the lives of our patients. They can smile confidently and chew regularly. An implant works just as well as your natural teeth.

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Bone Grafting
If a patient ignores a missing tooth for too long, then the jawbone under the empty spot will weaken or be reabsorbed over time. When this happens, the bone is no longer strong enough or wide enough to support a dental implant. Thankfully, we can fix the problem of a weak jawbone with reduced dimensions and can actually prevent this bone shrinkage if certain procedures “Ridge Preservation Techniques” are performed at specific times. These bone preservation/expansion techniques can be done using various types of bone grafting materials, which strengthen the target spot and readies it to receive an implant.

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Corrective Jaw Surgeries
Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, corrects irregularities of the jawbones and realigns the jaws and teeth to improve the way they work. Making these corrections usually improves facial dimensions and appearance.

Jaw surgery may be a corrective option if you have jaw problems that can't be resolved with orthodontics alone. In most cases, you also have braces on your teeth before surgery and during recovery after surgery until healing and jaw alignment are complete. Dr. Raed M. Abutteen Dental Center, our orthodontist works with our oral and jaw and face (maxillofacial) surgeon to determine the best treatment plan.

Jaw surgery is appropriate after growth stops, usually around ages 14 to 16 years for females and ages 17 to 21 years for males.

Surgeries for Mouth and Facial Trauma
Trauma to the face is dangerous. Broken bones and lacerations are common. As a result, survivors may have serious physical and emotional problems. Fortunately, help is available. Our trained and experienced specialists can repair the damage caused by facial trauma.

Depending on the type and extent of the wounds, the patient’s conditions will define their treatment options.

Oral surgeries are common and can range from simple to complex. It’s important to be prepared and to properly manage your recovery. Set up your recovery space for optimum comfort, make sure you’ve arranged for someone to drive you home, and give yourself a minimum of 2 days to heal. In that time, consume soft foods and regularly rinse your mouth with salt water.

Whatever your oral needs are, we Dr. Raed M. Abutteen Dental Center are there to help you. Do not hesitate to call us for any consultation and speak to one of our specialists.
Book An Appointment
Book a visit to our clinic, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the intervention you require.