Our Services

Extraction & Immediate Implantation

dr_raed Immediate extraction and immediate implant is a revolutionary procedure which fits patients with a dental implant directly following tooth extraction within the same appointment. Traditionally patients waited couple of weeks/months for the extraction site to heal before receiving a dental implant. Qualified patients who can receive immediate extraction and immediate implant will enjoy tooth extraction and dental implant in one procedure, reduced recovery following surgery and less time at the dentist’s chair and office.

Before the immediate extraction and immediate implant procedure was developed, patients needed the extraction socket to heal before an implant can be placed in the space provided. This healing process takes approximately 10 to 12 weeks, but thanks to the constantly advancing field of implant dentistry and biomaterials, waiting until the extraction site heals is no longer necessary in certain cases.

dr_raedDental bone is naturally pre-programmed to fill an extraction socket, so by placing the dental implant in immediately following extraction, the implant is simultaneously anchored with the bone and healed into the socket from this natural healing process. Ideal candidates for the immediately placed implants following tooth extraction are patients who need a tooth extracted, but the surrounding bone is not overly compromised by infection or by severe bone loss. Single tooth or multiple teeth in need of extraction can qualify. This procedure in many cases may need the addition of bone graft materials to fill in the gaps between the natural existing bony housing and the implant.

During your dental visits speak to Dr. Rae’d Abutteen, our Implant Specialist about this procedure to see if your tooth's condition qualifies as a candidate for this convenience with less invasive and time efficient treatment. Immediate implementation proved that it reduces the total treatment time, prevents the loss of gummy tissues and gains aesthetic success, if properly performed by an experienced implantologist.
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