Dr. Raed Abutteen

Specialized Team

  • dr_raed
    Dr. Rae’d M. Abutteen BDS, DUA, MSc periodontology/ Implant Dentistry, Clinical Masters in Esthetic & Restorative Dentistry
    Rae’d graduated from Jordan University with a Bachelor Degree of Dental Sciences (BDS) in 1995. After a quick training in some private dental clinics..More
  • dr_raed
    Dr. Leema Yaghmour BDS, DUA, DUB Pediatric Dentistry
    Dr. Leema knows that she has the best job in the whole world! She enjoys working with children, understands them & feels with them. ..More
  • dr_amer_musa
    Dr. Amr Musa Consultant Orthodontist
    BDS (Jordan), PhD (Istanbul)
    Dr.Musa qualified in 1997 as a dentist from Jordan University of science and technology, and after one year in general practice ..More
  • dr_leema_yaqhmaur
    Dr. Mohammad Sarhan BDS, MSc Aesthetic & Operative Dentistry
    Experienced operative dentist specialized in Aesthetic and Conservative Dentistry. ..More
  • dr_lamees_nimri
    Dr. Lamees Nimri Pediatric Dentist Specialist
    Dr. Lamees knows that she has the best job in the whole world! She enjoys working with children, understands them & feels with them. ..More
Book An Appointment
Book a visit to our clinic, simply fill out the form below and we will contact you back regarding the Requirements you require.
  • dr_raed
    Dr. Leema Yaghmour BDS, DUA, DUB Pediatric Dentistry
    Dr. Leema knows that she has the best job in the whole world! She enjoys working with children, understands them & feels with them. ..More
  • dr_amer_musa
    Dr. Amr Musa Consultant Orthodontist
    BDS (Jordan), PhD (Istanbul)
    Dr.Musa qualified in 1997 as a dentist from Jordan University of science and technology, and after one year in general practice ..More
  • dr_leema_yaqhmaur
    Dr. Mohammad Sarhan BDS, MSc Aesthetic & Operative Dentistry
    Experienced operative dentist specialized in Aesthetic and Conservative Dentistry. ..More
  • dr_lamees_nimri
    Dr. Lamees Nimri Pediatric Dentist Specialist
    Dr. Lamees knows that she has the best job in the whole world! She enjoys working with children, understands them & feels with them. ..More