Intense fears affect your quality of life. Someone who is very frightened of something will go to extraordinary lengths to avoid being in the situation. Fear of the dentist means that you will probably not go until you have a problem - usually a severe toothache or maybe a broken tooth.
The result is that every visit to the dentist is associated with emergency treatment and this increases the anxiety and feelings of embarrassment.
You are not alone. We want to help you to overcome your fear. We will give you:
- Time to explain your problems
- The time you need for treatment to be carried out at your own pace
- The time that you need to regain confidence
For more information click a link below:
How Can We Help
Not Being In Control
Nitrous Sedation
How we can help
We try very hard to make sure that you are comfortable and relaxed and we really do sympathize. If you are nervous we will...
Meet you just for a chat. You don't even have to sit in the dental chair! Our dental chairs can be adjusted to have a comfortable upright seating to have a face-to-face conversation.
Learn exactly what your worries are.
Put ourselves in your hands. You are in control at all times. If at any point in the conversation you just want to get up and leave - you can and we won't be offended.
Even when treatment starts we put you in control at all times. If at any point you want us to stop - just let us know. If we are in the middle of doing something and you put up your hand we will stop IMMEDIATELY.
If you have not been to the dentist for a long time – don’t feel embarrassed – it is quite usual in nervous patients. We will not be shocked and have helped many people who have not seen a dentist for years. We never want you to feel guilty or bad that you haven’t been and we certainly will not be disapproving or cross!
If you have had a bad experience and have been afraid for some time, it stands to reason that you may not have visited a dentist for some time. We understand this and will not judge you. We will endeavor to provide stress free treatment tailored to your needs.
Spending suitable time for you, understanding your desires, expectations and fears is a priority in our practice. Providing comfortable, relaxing environment with passionate doctors and assistants is something that we work hard to achieve and provide you with. At the end point, all dental procedures can be done under general anesthesia setup if needed.
We understand that most fears are the result of a bad experience – often something that happened when visiting the dentist in childhood.
We use techniques when giving injections to make them as gentle as possible. In fact, most patients do not feel anything at all.
Before an injection we use a surface anesthetic gel. This numbs the area first. We use special sharp needles that generally provide a smooth entry into the tissues and do not cause pain. We are also working on providing our patients with a machine called the Wand. This is not a traditional needle but instead; a revolutionary system that enables pain free injections, and we will be the first practice in Jordan trained to use it.
It’s not magic but you won’t believe how effective and painless it is.
Not Being in Control
We understand that most fears are the result of a bad experience – often something that happened when visiting the dentist as a child.
You are in control at all times. You don’t even have to sit in the chair on the first visit. We will explain all treatment to you stage by stage and ensure that you understand. If at any time during treatment you want a break, just raise your hand and we will stop immediately. If you feel claustrophobic we will stop and you can sit or stand up. If at any point you just want us to stop for no particular reason – that is OK as well!
Please trust that at Dr. Raed Clinic, we have tried our best to provide you with an opened relaxed atmosphere in the hands of professional doctors who will execute the treatment as good as quickly possible.
This is a very common fear and we find that the following can really help: We try to make sure that there is never any pain whatsoever when we drill by numbing the tooth first.
However if you feel anything do not put up with it, as we want to know. In other words, we want you to let us know as soon as possible if you feel the slightest twinge – often we need to give you a bit more anesthetic before doing any more.
If you wonder how you will be able to tell us to stop if we have already started treatment – the answer is that you just put your hand up. If you do this we will stop straight away!
Nitrous Sedation
Some people whether children or adults may need more support than a gentle, caring manner to feel comfortable. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is a safe, effective sedative agent used to calm a patient’s fear of the dental visit and enhance effective communication. Additionally, it works well for those whose gag reflex interferes with dental treatment.
Nitrous oxide/oxygen (N2O-O2) is a blend of two gases—oxygen and nitrous oxide. A fitted mask is placed over the nose and, as the patient breathes normally, uptake occurs through the lungs. At the end of treatment, it is eliminated after a short period of breathing oxygen and has no lingering effects.
How Will One Feel When Breathing Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen?
The patient will smell a faint sweet aroma and experience a sense of well-being and relaxation. Since it may produce a feeling of giddiness or euphoria, it is often called “laughing gas.” Patients sometimes report dreaming and their arms and legs may feel “tingly.” It raises the pain threshold and may even make the time appear to pass quickly. If you are worried by the sights, sounds or sensations of dental treatment, you may respond more positively with the use of nitrous oxide/oxygen.
How Safe Is Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen?
Very safe. Nitrous oxide/oxygen is perhaps the safest sedative in dentistry. It is well tolerated. It has a rapid onset, is reversible, can be adjusted in various concentrations and is non-allergenic. The patient remains fully conscious—keeps all natural reflexes— when breathing nitrous oxide/oxygen. He/she will be capable of responding to a question or request. Nitrous oxide/oxygen may also be used in combination with other sedative agents.
Are There Any Special Instructions For Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen?
First, the patient should have little or no food in the two hours preceding the dental visit (occasionally, nausea or vomiting occurs when the patient has a full stomach). Second, any respiratory condition that makes breathing through the nose difficult for the patient must be reported, as it may limit the effectiveness of nitrous oxide/oxygen. Third, the patient should report any medications being used on the day of the appointment.
Will Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Work For All Anxious Patients?
Dentists know that all patients are not alike. Every service is tailored to patients as an individual. Nitrous oxide/oxygen may not be effective for some patients, especially those who have severe anxiety, nasal congestion, or discomfort wearing a nasal mask. Your operating dentist will review your medical history, level of anxiety, and dental treatment needs and inform you if nitrous oxide/ oxygen is recommended for you. Operating dentists have comprehensive specialty training and can offer other sedation methods that are right for your needs, including a general anesthesia setup, if needed.